WorldwIde Sarcoidosis REsearch Study Logo

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Question: What is the study participant ID?

Answer: The study participant ID is automatically generated when someone registers on the WISE study website. It is a combination of eight numbers and letters. Everyone registered on the WISE study website will have their own ID. The ID will be used by the study team to link information sent in from participants and physicians. The study participant ID also helps protect subject confidentiality. You can find your study participant ID by clicking on Preferences (found on the top portion of the WISE website) and then click on Account Info.

Question: Who should I contact if I have a problem with my account or the site?

Answer: Please contact the WISE research team by email:

Question: Is my information secure on the WISE website?

Answer: We respect your right to privacy. Every effort has been made to make the information secure. Your individual personal information will not be published. Your information will be combined with hundreds of other participants in an effort to find out more about the cause and effects of Sarcoidosis.

Question: What should I do if I do not know how to answer the survey questions?

Answer: Do your best to provide accurate information. Whatever information you know will be extremely beneficial. If you do not know an exact date of a test or diagnosis, feel free to estimate dates and select the checkbox that that specific date is estimated. Feel free to provide any comments you may have in the comments section provided at the end of each survey.

Question: Can I change my answers to a survey that is complete?

Answer: No- once a survey is submitted, you are not able to go back and enter any additional information. If you have updates to your condition, you will be able to communicate those to the study team when you complete the Current Status questionnaire every six months. You will have the ability to start a survey and return later by clicking "Save and Continue Later." When you return to the survey and have answered all the questions, then click the "Submit" button at the end of the survey.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to email: